Articles categorized as Selecting Homeschool Curriculum
I wanted a writing curriculum with lesson plans already together where all I had to do was quickly review the next writing lesson, and then I was ready to teach. Preparing to teach a writing class in a homeschool co-op, I sat surrounded by writing curriculums I had collected through my years teaching Language Arts in public school and homeschooling.
The writing curriculum doesn’t start with the basics. If you try to teach essay writing without a foundation of writing structure and the writing process, the results of your labor will be frustrating and fruitless.
Many students, including homeschoolers, have an aversion to sentence writing, creative writing, journaling, paragraph writing, essay writing, formal writing, informal writing, and basically any kind of writing. Students need step-by-step writing instruction beginning with sentence composition, followed by paragraph composition, and finally college level essay.
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