Essay Assessment Test

This assessment test is designed to help determine if a student is ready for Level 3 Essay Writing. If a student struggles with either a poor attitude about completing or is lacking the ability to complete this test, then he or she is not ready to use Essay Writing.

Write a 3-paragraph descriptive paper about one of the following topics. Your ability to follow directions and organize your thoughts according to the following guidelines and instructions will determine if you are ready for Level 3 Essay Writing.


  • Write a standard outline for your 3 paragraph composition. 
  • Each paragraph must have at least 120 words and at the most 230.
  • No contractions.
  • No quotes or dialogue.
  • Do not use 1st or 2nd person.
  • Easily complete in 45 minutes or less.

Before you write your 3-paragraph paper, fill in the following information.

Instructions: Choose one (1) of the following topics to write your 3-paragraph paper.

Option 1: Playing a sport or game (pick one sport or one game)

Option 2: Giving a party

Option 3: Fixing a meal for friends

Brainstorm on your own paper, and then outline your 3-paragraph paper using standard outline formatting.

Using your outline, write your 3-paragraph paper.

Once you are completely finished writing, click the Submit button at the bottom. You will receive a free evaluation from the creator of The Write Foundation.
