
 Need help with a curriculum? Trouble with a digital download? We are here to help. Try the resources below first.

Curriculum Questions

Questions about the curriculum before purchase? Trying to decide if The Write Foundation curriculum is right for you? Use these help tools and information first:

Course Selection Assistance: Which course level is right for my child?

Free Assessment Tests: Short Assessment Tests taken by your child to help determine if they are ready for the selected curriculum level

Sample Curriculum/Lesson Plans: How do I know what I'm purchasing/if I am interested in the actual curriculum? Take a look at these.

 How to Present a Lesson: How do I teach this stuff? Here are some examples to get you started. Also check out our Example Teaching Videos.

This website is full of examples, frequently asked questions, homeschooling information, and more. Use the links at the top to peruse the site to get more information. Still need help or have a specific question? Contact Rebecca directly at

 Digital Download Questions

If you need additional help with our digital download application, please contact Rebecca directly at

